Kadammanitta : Part I

Kadammanitta is a village in Pathanamthitta district and is just 6KM away form pathanamthitta town.We can go to Kozhenchery as well as Ranny(two major place in Pathanamthitta district)through kadammanitta.

Please have look at the Google map of kadammanitta as shown below or click hyper lick for details view.

Kadammanitta become famous once Ramkrishnam, one of the famous poet in Malayalam used place name with his name and he is Kadammanitta Ramkrishnan.He is also a politician as well as with communist Party Of India (Marxist) and was in Kerala assembly as representative of Aranmula in during the time of E.K Nainar as chief minister(1996 - 2001).

He passed away in March 31st , 2008, and is the author famous Malayalam poetry like Kurathi,Kadinjool Pottan, Mazha Peyyunnu Maddhalam Kottunnu and shantha.He won many awards and made the name kadammanitta very famous.

Kadammanitta is also famous as the name called Land of Padayani.The Kadammanitta Devi temple is celebrating annual padayani festival Medam month of Malayalam calendar.Lot of foreigners as well as padayani lovers are usual visiters of this art and used to come every year to visit devi temple.

Kadammanitta is also blessed as native place of two Bishops of Malankara Catholic Church.H.G Yuhanon Mar chrysostom, the metropolitan of Pathanamthitta diocese and H.G Samuel are Irenious are hailing from Kadammanitta.

Collected By John Samuel Kadammanitta

To be continued...


John Samuel kadammanitta (Liju Vekal) said...

Some information on Kadammanitta,Please read and let me know if any comments

Anonymous said...

Please correct the spelling of Name of the Bishops shows. Highly appreciating.